Pre-consultation business case documents
Before public consultation, a pre-consultation business case (PCBC) must be approved by NHS England Specialised Commissioning and a committees in common for the clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) who plan and buy the services of Moorfields Eye Hospital.
The PCBC, which is available for download below (250 pages), was published by Camden CCG on 15 April 2019 and was considered by the CCG committees in common at a meeting in public on 24 April 2019.
For alternative formats and languages, please contact the consultation team at
For further details about the meeting of the CCG committee in common visit the Camden CCG website.
The PCBC is a large document with some 250 pages of evidence behind the proposed new centre for Moorfields Eye Hospital. The full document is available in both PDF and text only versions. There is also a 20 page executive summary of the PCBC.
PCBC - PDF version
Provides detailed evidence behind the proposal and case for change. This document is a PDF.
PCBC - Executive summary
A 20 page summary of the PCBC. This is a text only, Microsoft Word version.
Letter of approval to launch a public consultation
Download a PDF version of a letter from NHS England and Improvement who agree to the launch of a public consultation on the potential relocation of the Moorfields Hospital site.
PCBC - text only version
This is a text only, Microsoft Word version of the full PCBC.
Financial assurance
A letter from North Central London CCGs assuring the financial evidence in the PCBC.
OGSCR assurance
Letter from the national Oversight Group for Service Change and Reconfiguration confirming approval to consult from the national regulators.