days until we break ground on the Oriel site

Facade panels installed

Wolfson Foundation awards UCL £5m to support Oriel innovation

Creating a world-leading integrated eye care, research and education centre in Camden.

Attracting, inspiring and retaining the most talented clinicians, researchers and educators.

Speeding up the development of new research and treatments.

Jobs created during demolition and construction

Training opportunities for local people

Oriel gets the green light:


Oriel has been given final NHS and government approval and construction is due to start in 2023. Read what’s next for Oriel.


Improved public realm and greater access around the site.

Reducing crime and antisocial behaviour with an active ground floor providing natural surveillance.

High level of social and local economic value created through construction and occupation of the building.

Significant investment in the health care sector.

Significant investment in the local economy.

Creating a high quality environment for patients and staff.

Improved internal wayfinding.

World class design and architecture.

Sustainable design, utilising renewable energy.

Highly accessible location, promoting sustainable transport use.

Cycle spaces and changing facilities available.

About Oriel

Read about Oriel, the joint initiative between Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Charity, that will move services from Islington to a new, integrated centre in Camden.

Latest news

Read the latest updates about the Oriel programme.

Our journey

Learn the history of the programme, where we are now and what’s to come.
Nurse standing by patient information


Find out answers to frequently asked questions.

Our proposed design


Find out more about the design of the
proposed new centre.

Our partners

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust logo

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is the leading provider of eye health services in the UK. The trust has a reputation, developed over two centuries, for providing the highest quality of ophthalmic care.

UCL Institute of Ophthalmology opened in 1948 as a training facility specialising in ophthalmic research. Today it conducts cutting-edge science, attracting researchers of the highest international calibre to lead the way in vision research.

Moorfields Eye Charity is Moorfields' main fundraising and grant-making charity that provides funding to research cures and find treatments for millions of people affected by eye disease in the UK and around the world.